HI I'm Genevive! I'm a wife, a mom, a teacher, a 
do-it-yourselfer, an entrepreneur, a scrapbooker and an Autism advocate.  I am obsessed with paper and photos,  organizing, planning, keeping memories, making lists, making friends, traveling and anything related to it, like Instagram, travelers notebook, my filofax and Project Life. 

I'm a Filipino currently living in Singapore with my loving husband Benjo Rulona, and our two boys Rujim (12, he has autism which we celebrate with thanksgiving and hope everyday) and Miguel (our Mr. Math but is also Mr. English -- I always thought one can't be good in both). Weekend is our favorite time of the week because that's when we wake up late, get lazy the whole day in our pajamas, cook or bake and enjoy our favourite Filipino delicacies, watch movies, play boardgames, go to the park. 


More facts about me... 
  • I love to laugh. Loud! Like it feels good to know I have the best loud laugh in the room. LOL!
  • I am homesick most of the time but thank God for scrapbooking and blogging, and all the other good things that come with it like meeting new friends around the world and being busy with may list-making and planning, and being happy making handmade stuff that make many others happy too! Homesickness can sometimes be forgotten. 
  • Clean and good-smelling house makes me happy.
  • Pastries --- they make life happy.
  • I love anything white. 
  • PMS is my most hated thing in the world. 
  • I play basic guitar and I only do it confidently in my morning prayer. Because I know God doesn't judge :D
  • I am not a good cook but I love to try and experiment a lot (thanks Pinterest!) and because my son once told me "Mommy you're the best chef ever!" it's all worth all the failures and accidents and wasted ingredients. I am slowly getting there and I'm even proud to share some successful once with you (right! right!) I know someday my parents will be proud of me haha! 
  • Jesus is my best friend. 
  • I am not perfect. I know no one is :) 
  • "5 Things You Don't Know About Me"


CalleLillyCafe said...

You have a beautiful family! I would love to learn to play the guitar. We have two in our house! My girls try & play and my youngest who is 9 watches Youtube to learn!

neocatechumenal way, nangka said...

Hi Genevive! Peace be with you! Lanny here from the community in Marikina. I came across your blog while googling for a scrutatio. It is indeed warming for the heart to find someone also walking in the Way. Bless the Lord!
