De-stash for Romero

One of my goals this year is to start living a minimalist life. To not just de-clutter but de-own my things. To own as less as possible. And what better way to de-own my scrapbooking stash than to clear them for something meaningful?

I have packed some of my scrapbooking goodies into 25 grab bags and I'm selling each of these   for a worthy cause. Are you in? Keep reading...

Each bag contains a mixture of brand new and preloved items such as patterned papers, embellishments, at least 1 stamp, and a mix/any  of my fave medium (ink, mists, glitter, paint, etc), alphabet stickers and/or thickers. Total value of each bag is around $35-40 or more!


100% of the proceeds will be given to Romero. He is my husband's former colleague back in Cebu and he needs all the support he can get. Please follow his story HERE.

Please note that due to a high shipping cost, this will only be available in Singapore and Philippines, but you can still extend your help to Romero wherever you are through the Give Asia campaign.

If you are from Singapore, you can buy these by coming to my house personally so you are able to choose and pick the ones that you like. First come, first served. Please send me a personal message at my facebook page, Thoughtful Crafts to arrange pick up schedule.

If you are from the Philippines, you may send your payment through my Philippines account, and I will randomly pick a bag for you (since you can't be here to pick up hehe) I will bring the grab bags when I go home to Philippines very soon. Likewise, please send me a personal message at my facebook page, Thoughtful Crafts  to arrange.

This is such a win win for everyone. You will be happy with your loot, I will be happy clearing my stash, we all help Romero! Thank you in advance for your support.

Here are some of the grab bags!

Looking forward to hear from you soon!
Gen :)

UPDATE: We have given 100% of the proceeds to the wife of Romero last December... and it is with our deepest sympathy to know that Romero had already passed away. May God grant him eternal rest. 

1 comment:

ركن كلين said...
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مما لا شك فيه أن الطيور جميلة، لكن قد تشكل ضررًا على المباني السكنية، التجارية والصناعيةشركة مكافحة الحمام بالرياض تقوم بمكافحة جميع أنواع الطيور المؤذية الحمام البري، الغراب، النورس والعصافير التي تفرز مخلفاتها على جدران وأسطح المباني وفوق الأسطح الزجاجية والمكيفات، مما يشكل ضررًا على الشكل العام، الصحة العامة و الأسطح. ووفقًا لتعليمات البلدية، تلتزم بست كلر بإستخدام المواد المسموح بها لمكافحة الطيور.
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